Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Challenging Authority

 In light of my reading on decision theory and the human biases leading to errors, it has led me to think about my relationship with authority.  In the past in my career, I have been accused of not properly respecting authority.  I have always felt that authority should be challenged rather than blindly adhered to.  As a senior engineer, it is my job to assure the best decisions are made.  Since human error is inherent in decisions, those decisions should be questioned.  Additionally, technical authority is bestowed on individuals as a responsibility, not as a position or a reward or a right.  When questioned, those in authority should be considerate, not insulted.  

I'm sure there are those who would wish I would shut up and do what I was told.  That was never going to happen.  I have been silenced by my health.  My hope is that others will take up the cause and continue to challenge authority to make things better.

Forgive the rant.  This has been on my mind for quite some time.  Naturally, authority should be challenged in a respectful manner.  I have always attempted to do so.

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